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le gall est une laiterie engagée pour son territoire. vaches en pâture sous un ciel bleu et un grand soleil

Our French milk

To make our conventional dairy products, we obviously need cream, and that means milk!
We select the best raw materials to guarantee you a finished product of excellent quality.
While milk is the fruit and reward of the tremendous work carried out by our producers, it is also the skilful alchemy of several key factors: breed of animal, quality of feed, climate, herd behaviour…
To guarantee the excellence of our products, we have defined LE GALL’s own quality charter. That’s why all our milk comes from France!

1 pot de lait en fer et 2 bouteilles en verre contenant du lait sont posés sur une table en bois. En arrière plan de la paille et devant une louche.Image illustrant le lait français collecté par Le Gall pour la fabrication de ses beurres et crèmes.

There’s no such thing as good dairy products without good milk!

Une laiterie engagée. pictogramme lait origine France et pictogramme produit en Bretagne. Le Gall est une marque membre du réseau Produit en Bretagne

Tradition and expertise

It takes time to learn to do things properly: selecting the right raw materials from our farmers, testing, finding the ideal balance, the one that respects the products and enhances their flavours.

At Maison Le Gall, this responsibility falls to the Master Buttermakers. It takes years to master this expertise. To learn to look, smell, taste, appreciate the right moment when butter finally reaches its optimum, that precious moment when it delivers all those aromas.

Maison Le Gall was awarded the EPV ‘Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant’ (Living Heritage Company) label in 2023. This label is awarded to companies that combine innovation and tradition, expertise and creativity, hard work and passion, heritage and future, local and international.

Awarded for 5 years, this label brings together companies that are looking for high performance in their business and products, in-house training, technical and social innovation and a dynamic sales strategy.

Un éleveur Le Gall pose debout dans un champ devant ses vaches laitières dans une exploitation du Finistère, à Bannalec. Le Gall est une laiterie engagée dans l'économie locale

High-quality milk comes from a rich, natural diet and animal welfare!

With regular rainfall throughout the year, Brittany’s oceanic climate means that cows can be put out to pasture for most of the year: 200 days on conventional farms and 250 days on organic farms. Sometimes, if the meadows are too wet or the weather too cold, the cows stay in the barn for their own well-being.


Our farmers are located within a 140 km radius of the dairy. So we can really talk about a short distribution circuit. On average, each farm has 80 dairy cows and 90 hectares of land. Farmers have pastures adjacent to their holdings and sufficient accessible land to take their animals out.

95% of dairy farmers subscribe to the CPBE charter of good animal husbandry practices. It takes into account the cleanliness of the farm and its facilities, the quality of the milk, the housing of the animals and animal welfare. Sill Entreprises Group also conducts animal welfare audits based on the fundamental freedoms accorded to animals: freedom from hunger or thirst, from discomfort, pain, disease or stress, and freedom to be in contact with other animals.

The audits are carried out by an independent body, which lends credibility to the approach.

Natural recipes

The butter is 100% natural! Butter is the only fat to contain vitamin A naturally.

It is involved in vision and growth, and contributes to resistance to infection and aggression, as well as helping to promote beautiful skin.

Praires au beurre cru. le beurre cru Le Gall est fabriqué à partir de lait non pasteurisé.

Le Grand Cru

Raw butter is made from unpasteurised milk, which gives it a stronger aromatic intensity.

beurre de baratte posé sur une ardoise elle même posée sur une table en bois. Il y a des feuilles et petits morceaux de bois autour

Le Baratte

Churned butter is made from cream that has been matured for at least 15 hours before being churned to separate the fat molecules from the buttermilk.

beurre de baratte biologique Le gall sur une planche à découper avec une baguette de pain tranchée.


Organic butter is simply prepared from cream and natural ferments in accordance with the principles of organic farming.

Responsible innovation

le beurre de baratte Le Gall existe aussi en pot carton, recyclable. Une innovation Le Gall, une laiterie engagée pour la préservation de l'environnement.

Maison Le Gall is a dairy committed to a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach that includes a major environmental component. Maison Le Gall is deeply attached to the land and the environment by taking concrete steps to limit the impact of their activities and protect the planet. To improve its energy consumption, Maison Le Gall is investing €1m in improving the cooling capacity of its Quimper site, in particular by recovering heat to heat the water. The system should be operational by the end of 2023. Le Gall is also developing a high-performance supply chain to reduce stocks while improving service quality for its customers.

The dairy is committed to a green purchasing policy:

. Reduce the weight of packaging.
. Develop packaging made from recyclable materials to replace plastic packaging.
. Optimising logistics flows to reduce carbon consumption in supplying the dairy. For example, by optimising the weight per pallet or maximising lorry load factors.
. Favouring short-distance supplies.

Logo PME+. Le Gall est une laiterie engagée et labellisée PME+

In 1992, we were one of the first companies to commit to organic farming. At a time when this represented a genuine revolution, our company made a bold commitment to support and work with organic farmers.

Our forward-looking ambition is to offer you exceptional products, combining tradition and expertise. Our dairy has chosen to meet the expectations of consumers of organic products by offering authentic products that guarantee a healthy diet for our cows, in an unspoilt environment.

Gamme biologique des produits Le Gall : beurre de baratte, lait et crème fleurette bio